

As soon as you call event.send the webhook will be dispatched by performing HTTP requests to all the subscriber URL’s matching the event.

The dispatch mechanism is configurable, and even supports pluggable backends.

There are three built-in dispatcher backends available:

  • "default"

    Dispatch requests directly in the current process.

    In a web server the HTTP request will not complete until all of the Webhook requests have finished, so this is only suited for use in small installations and in development environments.

  • "disabled"

    Does not dispatch requests at all, useful for development.

  • "celery"

    Dispatch requests by sending a single Celery task for every event. The task will then be received by a worker which will start sending requests in batches to subscribers.

    Since performing HTTP requests are entirely I/O bound, routing these tasks to workers running the eventlet or gevent pools are recommended (see Optimization and Performance).

    The HTTP requests are also sorted by URL so that requests for the same domain have a high chance of being routed to the same process, to benefit from connection keep-alive settings, etc.

To configure the dispatcher used you need to change the THORN_DISPATCHER setting.

HTTP Client

Thorn uses the requests library to perform HTTP requests, and will reuse a single Session for every thread/process.

HTTP Headers

Thorn will provide the endpoints with standard HTTP header values

Header Description
Hook-Event Name of the event that triggered this delivery.
Hook-Delivery Unique id for this delivery.
Hook-HMAC HMAC digest that can be used to verify the sender
Hook-Subscription Subscription UUID (can be used to cancel/modify)
User-Agent User agent string, including Thorn and client version.
Content-Type Delivery content type (e.g. application/json).

HTTPS/SSL Requests

Thorn supports using https:// URLs as callbacks, but for that to work the destination web server must be properly configured for HTTPS and have a valid server certificate.