Source code for thorn.utils.functional

"""Functional-style utilities."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import operator

from collections import Callable, deque
from functools import partial
from itertools import islice
from six import string_types

from celery.utils import cached_property
from celery.utils.functional import is_list, maybe_list
from celery.utils.imports import symbol_by_name

    from django.db.models.query import Q as _Q_
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from .django.query_utils import Q as _Q_  # noqa

__all__ = ['chunks', 'Q']

    "filter field argument {0!r} not allowed: did you mean '{0}__eq'?"

def not_contains(a, b):
    """Operator for ``b not in a``.

    not_contains(a, b) -> b not in a``
    return b not in a

def startswith(a, b):
    """Function calling obj.startsiwth.

    ``startswith(a, b) -> a.startswith(b)``
    return a.startswith(b)

def endswith(a, b):
    """Function calling obj.endswith.

    ``endswith(a, b) -> a.endswith(b)``
    return a.endswith(b)

def reverse_n(N, tup):
    """Reverse n first elements in a tuple."""
    return tuple(reversed(tup[:N])) + tup[N:] if N else tuple(reversed(tup))

def negate(fun):
    """Return function negating the value of a boolean function."""
    def negated(*args, **kwargs):
        return not fun(*args, **kwargs)
    return negated

def reverse_arguments(n):
    """Return transformed function where first N arguments are reversed."""
    def _inner(fun):
        def reversed(*args, **kwargs):
            return fun(*reverse_n(n, args), **kwargs)
        return reversed
    return _inner

def traverse_subscribers(it, *args, **kwargs):
    stream = deque([it])
    while stream:
        for node in maybe_list(stream.popleft()):
            if isinstance(node, string_types) and node.startswith('!'):
                node = symbol_by_name(node[1:])
            if isinstance(node, Callable):
                node = node(*args, **kwargs)
            if is_list(node):
            elif node:
                yield node

def wrap_transition(op, did_change):
    """Transform operator into a transition operator.

    That is, an operator that
    only returns true if the ``did_change`` operator also returns true.

        E.g. ``wrap_transition(operator.eq,`` returns function
        with signature ``(new_value, needle, old_value)`` and only returns
        true if new_value is equal to needle, but old_value was not equal
        to needle.
    def compare(new_value, needle, old_value):
        return did_change(old_value, needle) and op(new_value, needle)

    return compare

[docs]def chunks(it, n): """Split an iterator into chunks with `n` elements each. Example: # n == 2 >>> x = chunks(iter([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]), 2) >>> list(x) [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8, 9], [10]] # n == 3 >>> x = chunks(iter([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]), 3) >>> list(x) [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10]] """ for first in it: yield [first] + list(islice(it, n - 1))
[docs]class Q(_Q_): """Object query node. This class works like :class:`django.db.models.Q`, but is used for filtering regular Python objects instead of database rows. Examples: >>> # Match object with `last_name` attribute set to "Costanza": >>> Q(last_name__eq="Costanza") >>> # Match object with `author.last_name` attribute set to "Benes": >>> Q(author__last_name__eq="Benes") >>> # You are not allowed to specify any key without an operator, >>> # even when the following would be fine using Django`s Q objects: >>> Q(author__last_name="Benes") # <-- ERROR, will raise ValueError >>> # Attributes can be nested arbitrarily deep: >>> Q(a__b__c__d__e__f__g__x__gt=3.03) >>> # The special `*__eq=True` means "match any *true-ish* value": >>> Q(author__account__is_staff__eq=True) >>> # Similarly the `*__eq=False` means "match any *false-y*" value": >>> Q(author__account__is_disabled=False) See Also: :ref:`events-model-filtering-operators`. Returns: Callable: to match an object with the given predicates, call the return value with the object to match: ``Q(x__eq==808)(obj)``. """ #: The gate decides the boolean operator of this tree node. #: A node can either be *OR* (``a | b``), or an *AND* note (``a & b``). #: - Default is *AND*. gates = { _Q_.OR: any, _Q_.AND: all, } #: If the node is negated (``~a`` / ``a.negate()``), branch will be True, #: and we reverse the query into a ``not a`` one. branches = { True: operator.not_, False: operator.truth, } #: Mapping of opcode to binary operator function: ``f(a, b)``. #: Operators may return any true-ish or false-y value. operators = { 'eq': operator.eq, 'now_eq': wrap_transition(operator.eq,, 'ne':, 'now_ne': wrap_transition(,, 'gt':, 'now_gt': wrap_transition(,, 'lt':, 'now_lt': wrap_transition(,, 'gte':, 'now_gte': wrap_transition(, operator.le), 'lte': operator.le, 'now_lte': wrap_transition(operator.le,, 'in': reverse_arguments(2)(operator.contains), 'now_in': wrap_transition( reverse_arguments(2)(operator.contains), reverse_arguments(2)(not_contains), ), 'not_in': reverse_arguments(2)(not_contains), 'now_not_in': wrap_transition( reverse_arguments(2)(not_contains), reverse_arguments(2)(operator.contains), ), 'is': operator.is_, 'now_is': wrap_transition(operator.is_, operator.is_not), 'is_not': operator.is_not, 'now_is_not': wrap_transition(operator.is_not, lambda a, _: a is None), 'contains': operator.contains, 'now_contains': wrap_transition( operator.contains, negate(operator.contains), ), 'not': lambda x, _: operator.not_(x), 'true': lambda x, _: operator.truth(x), 'startswith': startswith, 'now_startswith': wrap_transition(startswith, negate(startswith)), 'endswith': endswith, 'now_endswith': wrap_transition(endswith, negate(endswith)), } def __call__(self, obj): # NOT?( AND|OR(...) ) return self.branches[self.negated]( self.gate(f(obj) for f in self.stack) )
[docs] def compile(self, fields): # this does not traverse the tree, but compiles the nodes # in ``self.children`` only. The nodes below will be compiled # and cached when they are called. return [self.compile_node(field) for field in fields]
[docs] def compile_node(self, field): """Compile node into a cached function that performs the match. Returns: Callable: taking the object to match. """ # can embed other Q objects if isinstance(field, type(self)): return field # convert Django Q objects in-place. elif isinstance(field, _Q_): field.__class__ = type(self) return field # or it's a key, value pair. lhs, rhs = field lhs, opcode = self.prepare_statement(lhs, rhs) # this creates the new matching function to be added to the stack. return self.compile_op(lhs, rhs, opcode)
[docs] def prepare_statement(self, lhs, rhs): lhs, _, opcode = lhs.rpartition('__') if not opcode or opcode not in self.operators: raise ValueError(E_FILTER_FIELD_MISSING_OP.format(lhs)) return lhs.replace('__', '.'), self.prepare_opcode(opcode, rhs)
[docs] def prepare_opcode(self, O, rhs): # eq=True and friends are special, as they should match any # true-ish value (__bool__), not check for equality. if (O == 'eq' and rhs is True) or O == 'ne' and rhs is False: return 'true' elif (O == 'eq' and rhs is False) or O == 'ne' and rhs is True: return 'not' return O
[docs] def compile_op(self, lhs, rhs, opcode): return self._compile_op( self.apply_trans_op if 'now' in opcode else self.apply_op, lhs, rhs, opcode, )
def _compile_op(self, apply, lhs, rhs, opcode, *args): return partial( apply, operator.attrgetter(lhs), self.operators[opcode], rhs, *args )
[docs] def apply_op(self, getter, op, rhs, obj, *args): # compiled nodes end up being partial versions of this method, # with the getter, op and rhs arguments already set. return op(getter(obj), rhs, *args)
[docs] def apply_trans_op(self, getter, op, rhs, obj): # transition op (e.g. now_eq) only matches if the # value differs from the previous version. return self.apply_op( getter, op, rhs, obj, self._get_from_prev_version(getter, obj), )
def _get_from_prev_version(self, getter, obj): try: prev = obj._previous_version except AttributeError: pass else: return getter(prev) @property def gate(self): return self.gates[self.connector]
[docs] @cached_property def stack(self): # the stack is cached on first call. return self.compile(self.children)