
Webhook decorators.

class thorn.decorators.WebhookCapable(on_create=None, on_change=None, on_delete=None, reverse=None, sender_field=None, **kwargs)[source]

Implementation of model.webhooks.

The decorator sets model.webhooks to be an instance of this type.

connect_events(events, **kwargs)[source]
delegate_to_model(instance, meth, *args, **kwargs)[source]
events = None
reverse = None
sender_field = None
update_events(events, **kwargs)[source]
thorn.decorators.webhook_model(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Decorate model to send webhooks based on changes to that model.

Keyword Arguments:
  • on_create (~thorn.Event) – Event to dispatch whenever an instance of this model is created (post_save).

  • on_change (~thorn.Event) – Event to dispatch whenever an instance of this model is changed (post_save).

  • on_delete (~thorn.Event) – Event to dispatch whenever an instance of this model is deleted (post_delete).

  • on_$event (~thorn.Event) – Additional user defined events.,

  • sender_field (str) – Default field used as a sender for events, e.g. "account.user", will use instance.account.user.

    Individual events can override the sender field user.

  • reverse (Callable) – A thorn.reverse.model_reverser instance (or any callable taking an model instance as argument), that describes how to get the URL for an instance of this model.

    Individual events can override the reverser used.

    Note: On Django you can instead define a get_absolute_url method on the Model.


Simple article model, where the URL reference is retrieved by reverse('article-detail', kwargs={'uuid': article.uuid}):

class Article(models.Model):
    uuid = models.UUIDField()

    class webhooks:
        on_create = ModelEvent('article.created')
        on_change = ModelEvent('article.changed')
        on_delete = ModelEvent('article.removed')
        on_deactivate = ModelEvent(
            'article.deactivate', deactivated__eq=True,

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return ('blog:article-detail', None, {'uuid': self.uuid})

The URL may not actually exist after deletion, so maybe we want to point the reference to something else in that special case, like a category that can be reversed by doing reverse('category-detail', args=[]).

We can do that by having the on_delete event override the method used to get the absolute url (reverser), for that event only:

class Article(model.Model):
    uuid = models.UUIDField()
    category = models.ForeignKey('category')

    class webhooks:
        on_create = ModelEvent('article.created')
        on_change = ModelEvent('article.changed')
        on_delete = ModelEvent(
                'category:detail', ''),
        on_hipri_delete = ModelEvent(
            'article.internal_delete', priority__gte=30.0,

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return ('blog:article-detail', None, {'uuid': self.uuid})